Cybervision Web was founded in 2005 by Thomas W. Pohl and is based in Middlesex County, New Jersey, USA.



Expand Your Reach - A great benefit of having a small business/non-profit website is that you are able to expand the reach of your company/organization at a fraction of the cost of traditional advertising. This allows you to attract more patients, clients, customers and donors to your small business/non-profit by listing your business'/organization's services, prices and other information that will allow potential patients, clients, customers and donors to make an informed decision whether to do business with you.



Your Website is Your Corporate Image - More times than not, your website will be the first exposure potential new customers and clients will have to your
company. You will only have one opportunity to make a first impression. What kind of first impression do you want to make with them? Do you want them to see your business as professional and having something to offer them or do you want to look like some rinky-dink organization that puts in a minimal effort and doesn't care about their look or reputation? Remember, your website is your corporate image! A good corporate image will give potential new customers and clients the confidence to believe that they will be treated both professionally and courteously.

Here is an example of why this is important. I was hired to redesign the company website for the last company I worked for back in 2012. When I examined their existing website, which was designed in 2008, I was appalled. It looked like it had been designed by a 14-year old, in 1999! Not only was the look of the website 15 years obsolete, but when I looked "under the hood" at the coding, it was also 15 years obsolete. Everything that web design professionals are taught is bad web design technique, this company was guilty of in the design of their website. The company who designed this website was one of their vendors and not even a professional we design company, so their ignorance in the field of web design was on full display. What made it even worse was when the company that hired me said that they had been charged $15,000 for this mess of a website! They totally got ripped off!  

 Ever Changing Web Standards, Technologies and Techniques - Web design professionals keep up to date on ever changing web standards. In the world of web design, five years in web design is like twenty years in real time. That's how often the industry changes and adapts to the times. A website that was cutting-edge three years ago, may be obsolete tomorrow. A great example of this is when Google initiated their Mobile Friendly Standard in 2016. This standard gives more weight and higher search engine rankings to websites that are mobile friendly.  Overnight, web design professionals were forced to scramble and make major revisions to their legacy websites to make them mobile friendly. If this was not possible, they had to design a completely a new website for their clients. Those who designed their own websites were more than likely to not even know this standard had even came into existence. As a result, their search engine rankings suffered as a result.  

Professional web designers take Search Engine Optimization (SEO) into account when they design their websites. Most people who design their own websites may not even be aware of the importance of SEO  or that it even exists. Studies show that if your website doesn't appear on the first or second page of search engine results, people won't find you. Web design professionals know how to design your website to increase its search engine rankings.



Cybervision Web specializes in small business and non-profit websites designed to meet the unique needs of small businesses and non-profits such as home-based businesses, professionals, agencies, non-profits, charities, churches, ministries, schools, restaurants, hotels, contractors, distributors, manufacturers, etc. Unlike a lot of  large web design firms, Cybervision Web understands the unique needs of small businesses and non-profits because Cybervison Web is a small business itself.



Not Foreign Outsourced  Cybervision Web does not use foreign outsourcing on any of its website design projects. All of our website design projects are 100% designed in my home office.

You Are Not A Number – Cybervision Web is not some giant corporation that treats you like a number. Cybervision Web is a small business and you will work directly with the owner of the company, so you are guaranteed great service!